About us.

You vs You, is a basketball training organization whose intended purpose is to create a core foundation in which athletes can acquire an array of skills and fundamentals, to assist in their personal development.

Your only competition in life is yourself. Basketball is a mental game just as much as it is physical.At our sessions, players are taught values of accountability, discipline, focus and overcoming adversity. Our aim is to instill a growth mindset, to enhance players perspectives and triumph over challenges. Ultimately establishing an impenetrable level of confidence and mental fortitude.

A player's belief system is just as important as their skill set. At You vs. You, we teach players to understand the correlation between their thoughts and their actions. And how controlling and compounding such thoughts can help them reach their full potential.

Throughout life's journey you will encounter many obstacles, one's ability to adapt and overcome such hurdles is a testament to a great leader. We believe all leaders possess what we like to call a “YOU Mentality”. A YOU Mentality is the action of facing adversity and rising to new levels, resulting in a newer and greater you. 

At You vs You, we believe every player deserves to reach their full potential. We recognize, each player is unique and as such everybody’s journey is different. The one commonality each player shares is their mind. Through our guidance, we believe in actualizing that dormant potential and are dedicated to making it happen in a fun filled atmosphere. It starts with YOU.